Welcome to the Wheelchair International Network Forums General Forum Is it Better to See a Psychologist or Psychiatrist for ADHD?

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  • #31931
    Avatar for aliyay habibaliyay habib

    When dealing with ADHD, it’s important to choose the right professional. Psychologists and psychiatrists both play vital roles, but their approaches differ. A psychologist can help with behavior therapy and strategies to manage ADHD symptoms. They focus on counseling and non-medical treatment. On the other hand, a psychiatrist is a medical doctor who can prescribe medications to help control ADHD symptoms.

    If you’re searching for an ADHD specialist in Maryland, consider what kind of support you need. If medication is necessary, a psychiatrist might be best. If you’re looking for therapy and coping strategies, a psychologist could be the right fit. Both can work together for a comprehensive treatment plan.

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