You can now get your courses (online, in-person or hybrid) recognized by ISWP.  We assess course/conference content in both English and Spanish against the WHO WSTPb and provide you with recognition to include in your marketing materials.

Recognized ISWP courses

  1. Name of the course: Más Posicionamiento y Movilidad (Spanish). Awarded recognition in June 2020.
  2. Name of the course: Ergothérapie et l’utilisation du fauteuil roulant (French) by University of Montreal. Awarded recognition in August 2020.
  3. Name of the course: More about Wheelchair Service Provision (Spanish) by Whee. Awarded recognition in October 2020.

Looking to have your course recognized?

Step 1: If you would like to have your course recognized, click here to download the application form.

Step 2: After you complete the form, please share them with Krithika Kandavel at [email protected]