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  • #30446
    Evan DukeEvan Duke

    Hi all, need help with roofing a house, don’t want to get involved in something I don’t know, any help would be appreciated

    Thukk SerienThukk Serien

    You are great for deciding to ask others first before you start doing something you don’t know how to do on your own. I have worked in the roofing industry for over 5 years and I can tell you that every case is unique and everyone needs an individualized approach. It all depends on what kind of work with the roof you need to do, if the issue is that in some areas the paint has peeled off and it just needs to be renewed, then you can not worry and do it yourself, but if the roof itself is damaged, it is rotten, no one has taken care of it, then yes, it is a different case. In such moments people turn to specialists, personally I recommend the service, repeatedly recommended these guys to my family and never disappointed in them. Quality at the highest level, prices are acceptable, highly recommended!

    Tobias DorianTobias Dorian

    I totally agree with you, you shouldn’t take on a job if you have no idea what to do, I’m trying to teach this to my younger half-brothers, but alas to no avail so far. Thank you for sharing your experience, all the best!

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