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  • #29193
    Avatar for Peter SommersPeter Sommers

    I was applying for a mortgage, all excited to snag my dream home. But got hit with a bunch of hard inquiries on experian.

    Now, I know a few are normal, but I did some digging, and apparently, these inquiries can stick around and mess with your credit score.

    Has anyone been through this maze before? How do you kick these hard inquiries out of your experian report?

    Avatar for Max OppositeMax Opposite

    I totally get the frustration with those unexpected hard inquiries. I was in a similar situation not long ago. But here are good news! There’s a way to tackle this and smoothen out your credit score.

    I stumbled upon a super-helpful article that breaks down the steps to remove hard inquiries from Experian. It’s a game-changer, seriously. Here’s the link to the article

    The article provides a step-by-step guide on disputing inaccurate inquiries and even gives tips on sending goodwill letters. I followed these steps, and it made a significant difference for me.

    So, take a breather, check out the article, and follow the outlined process. It worked for me, and I’m crossing my fingers it does the same for you.

    Best of luck with the home hunt! If you have more questions, feel free to ask.

    Avatar for Fred MikeFred Mike

    I went through the same ordeal last year and it is definitely nerve-wracking. What helped me was reaching out to the creditors responsible for the inquiries and explaining the situation.
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